The Dental Associates of New England are beautiful, LEED certified building that celebrates the beauty and unique talent in Boston. Our full-spectrum office has restorative, family, and cosmetic dentists who work together in a unique collaboration to give patients ultimate care. Our state-of-the-art technology and spa-like atmosphere create a comfortable, safe environment for our treasured patients.
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Dr. John Meola: Hello, I'm Dr. John D. Meola Jr, Director of Dental
Associates of New England. I'd like to welcome you
for a tour of our office. This is our office sign, which
was designed by our office architects, which has LED lighting which
represents what we did with our office being a LEED
certified office, leadership in engineering and
environmental design.
I'll take you to our reception area, where you see some of
the athletes that we treat, and some of their sports
paraphernalia, which our patients love. This is our
reception area here. You'll see some of our Miss USA patients and
candidates. And then as well, as you come into our
waiting area, you'll see some of the original artworks.
We represent for our local Boston artists with artwork and
sculptures. And this is our four station reception area, and some more
beautiful sculptures.
Now I would like to take you for a little tour of our
reception area. This is specifically designed with
color palates to make the office soothing to the eye
and not stressful. Certain colors will tend to irritate and aggravate our
patients, and other colors will tend to soothe and relax.
All of the materials used in this office have no
VOC's, so there's no odors or smells in the office. And there's
plenty of flat panel TVs running throughout all the operatories in
the office for our patient convenience. As you can see,
we've got an award by Dental Economics, Dental
Office Design, and we put a lot of effort into our patients
comfort and well-being.
We have a series of handicap restrooms here, male and
female. Down the end of the corridor here, the most
interesting room in the whole office is our utility
room. Being LEED certified, we have state of the art energy efficient
equipment. Our suction machines require no water,
therefore are no use on the environment. Our water heater is
a HEPAC water heater, using the hot air generated by the
compressors and the suction to translate into hot water. We have very high
efficiency boilers, bottom separators, water
purification system, and especially a Lifebreath air
exchanger so it circulates any odors and bacteria in the office and
filters them and screens them out.
I'd like to welcome you to the Invisalign portion of our
practice, which has four operatories dedicated for
Invisalign. We have a separate consultation room in
here, where the patient can sit down with Dr. Samadani, our Invisalign
orthodontist, and discuss the treatment plan and actually
visualize what your case is gonna start out with and what
it's gonna end up with. Now as we move down this
way, we have a separate lab dedicated for Invisalign for our laboratory, as
well as for our prosthetic laboratory to fabricate
our porcelain crowns, which is right around the corner
here. This is our Invisalign and crown and bridge lab,
where we do all our Invisalign models and custom porcelain work for our
crown and bridge cases and implants. That's a
separate, dedicated lab just for these areas of
specialty in our office.
This is our dedicated surgical suite, used for perio
surgery, oral surgery, and implant surgeries. This is
our dedicated sterilization room. We have a clean side
and dirty side, as it is called. This is the dirty side, where the
instruments come in, to our sterile, clean side of
the sterilization room. And we have a Mealy
disinfection unit, ultrasonic, and hand pieced lubrication system.
This side of the office, facing Coffey Square, which has
beautiful views in each operatory, and there are eight
operatories with spectacular views of Coffey Square
and the Coffey Plaza Hotel.
And this is my private office and conference room, where I
discuss case presentation and treatment plans
with my patients.
Female Announcer: Whatever your reason for visiting Dental Associates
of New England, you can rest assured that you will be
treated to the very state of the art in dental office
design and technology. Every detail reflects the cumulative experience of
Dr. John Meola and his commitment to the comfort,
safety, and well-being of his patients.