Dental Associates of New England

Dental Damage and Aggressive Tooth Brushing

Jul 6, 2017 @ 10:19 AM — by John Meola
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

It is possible that you could be brushing your teeth at least twice a day and after each meal as recommended by the American Dental Association and still doing damage to your teeth. This is because aggressive tooth brushing can be nearly as harmful to your teeth as not brushing them at all. At Dental Associates of New England, our general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry practice led by Dr. John D. Meola, we encounter some patients who believe that they are getting their teeth cleaner by using extra force when brushing their teeth. In discussing dental damage and aggressive tooth brushing during appointments at our Boston, MA practice, however, we have to inform them that they may be doing serious harm to their teeth, including increasing the risk of eventual tooth loss.

As a patient of Dental Associates of New England, you can depend on our dental experts to provide you with the knowledge you need to maintain excellent oral health between visits to our practice. Many of our patients are surprised to learn that they were not brushing their teeth using the most effective techniques prior to visiting our practice. If you would like to become acquainted with the very best dental habits, we encourage you to schedule your initial consultation at Dental Associates of New England today.

How Can Aggressive Tooth Brushing Damage Your Teeth?

The next time you go to the store to buy a toothbrush, pay close attention to the varieties available to you. You’ll notice that there are plenty of soft and medium options on the shelves. You may even find some extra-soft toothbrushes. However, you probably won’t find a hard-bristled toothbrush. This is because most dental professionals agree that hard-bristled toothbrushes are no more effective at removing plaque and debris from the teeth than soft- or medium-bristled toothbrushes, yet more likely to cause damage to the protective layer of enamel that coats the teeth over time.

Enamel is one of the strongest, most resilient substances in all of nature; however, it is not invulnerable to damage. The most common cause of enamel erosion is bacterial plaque, the very substance that tooth brushing is intended to remove. However, the use of an abrasive hard-bristled toothbrush can actually also cause the enamel to become worn. Plaque can be removed just as efficiently and effectively with a soft- or medium-bristled toothbrush, neither of which is as likely to damage the enamel.

However, technique is equally important when it comes to protecting the enamel from harm. There is no need to use vigorous force when brushing the teeth. A gentle touch will do. The most important thing is to be thorough, making certain that you cover all of the surfaces of the teeth, including the back and top surfaces. Finish off with a comprehensive floss and a good rinse, and your teeth will be in great shape.

Learn More about Dental Damage and Aggressive Tooth Brushing

To learn more about dental damage and aggressive tooth brushing, please contact Dental Associates of New England today.