Dental Associates of New England

Instant Orthodontics

Oct 21, 2012 @ 05:43 AM — by John Meola
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry

The presence of misshapen teeth, gaps, or a misaligned bite can leave a person with a low self esteem regarding their smile. People with crooked teeth are often embarrassed and fear that they will be judged by others based on the appearance of their teeth. While traditional orthodontics is a well-known treatment option, it is a lengthy process and often requires the use of metal braces, which most patients prefer to avoid. At Dental Associates of New England, our Boston cosmetic dentists offer instant orthodontics treatment through the application of porcelain veneers.

Instant Orthodontics

Many patients are not aware that there is an alternate to traditional orthodontic treatment. Our patients are often relieved to learn that we can improve the appearance of crooked teeth, correct misshapen teeth, or fill in gaps between teeth, almost instantly. For our patients in Boston, porcelain veneers are applied to eliminate the appearance of crooked or misshapen teeth in an average of just three dental appointments.

Porcelain Veneers

Our dentists can apply porcelain veneers to the front surface of the teeth to provide them with an instant makeover. Because veneers are made of such a thin material, they are very comfortable. Most patients do not even feel the veneers after they have been placed. A dental exam will help our dentists determine the size and shape of veneers that will fit in best with your smile. When these decisions have been made, an impression of your teeth will be made to use as a cast for the porcelain veneers. Your teeth will then need to be filed down slightly to make room for the porcelain veneers. The amount of tooth that needs to be removed is minimal so the majority of the tooth structure will remain intact. Permanent veneers will be fabricated off site so we will likely place temporary veneers until the permanent ones are complete.

When the permanent veneers are done, you will return to our offices for the bonding process. We will clean your teeth so we can be sure the veneer will bond to the tooth properly. We will then check the fit, comfort, and function of the veneers before placing them permanently. After three short appointments our patients achieve a smile that can take anywhere from nine to 18 months to achieve with regular orthodontic treatment.

Benefits of Instant Orthodontics

Some of the benefits that a patient can expect from porcelain veneers are:

Porcelain veneers should be brushed and flossed regularly along with the natural teeth. By maintaining good hygiene habits, a patient can extend the life of porcelain veneers to up to 15 years.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have a crooked smile and are interested in learning more about instant orthodontics, schedule an appointment with one of our dentists at Dental Associates of New England. We can give you a bright, straight smile that you are proud to share.